How to Convert HTML to PDF

Before we look at specific ways to convert HTML to PDF, lets consider the task in more detail. HTML is the programming language that is used to create websites. Obviously, HTML is more versatile — it supports Flash, animated images, embedded video, background music and other dynamic page elements. These and some other features of HTML pages can’t be converted to HTML, so when choosing a HTML to PDF converter it’s important to take into account what HTML features it can handle.

Another factor is how you want to use the converter:

  1. Do you simply need to convert a single page?
  2. Or do you want to make an application that lets other people convert certain HTML documents to PDF?
  3. Would you prefer something you can download and install, or an online service?
  4. How much are you willing to pay for the HTML converter?

The third and last issue is whether the page that should be changed to PDF was made explicitly for that reason, or is it simply some discretionary webpage. This is significant in such a case that you need the subsequent PDF to be anything but difficult to use, with full content hunt and interactive connections, the source HTML should be constructed suitably. Some HTML pages uses pictures to represent content, which implies that content won’t be accessible. Likewise, menus and route interfaces that depend on JavaScript won’t be interactive in PDF format. As a standard guideline, if a website page has great openness, it will function admirably when changed over to PDF. Then again, pages that depend or program explicit component or blaze based destinations more often than not aren’t appropriate for PDF conversion.

Finally, lets look at specific Webpage to PDF converters. For the average user, PDFBeaver is likely the best choice. It’s a free online service that takes a webpage URL and creates a matching PDF file for you to download. The only annoyance is having to enter a captcha, but that’s a small price to pay for a quick and painless HTML to PDF service. The conversion quality is very good — the colors and fonts look nearly as good as in a web browser, with a few minor layout glitches for some webpages. If you want to convert a lot of HTML documents to PDF , take a look at PDFBeaver.

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